Thursday, July 2, 2009

You think you're hot?

its 12.19am. wow im home earlyyyyy :D

well met Yat around 5pm, after he ended exams. bus-ed to Orchard and reached Scape around 6plus? then met Safyie and Arif and talked about the gig stuff. the tics turned out preety nicely ^.^

then Safyie wanted to get shades so we walked to Far East and surveyed there. after he bought his shades from 77th Street we went outside for OCK and smokes. sat literally beside OCK stall and we sorta overheard the convo between 2 bimbos, wearing supaaaa thick make-up and bimbo clothes hahahaha it goes like this:

bimbo 1: 'tak malu dier mintak my number. da muke bopeng, takde style plak tuu. eeee! [translation: 'he got no shame, ask for my number. face already pimply, then got no style some more. eeeee!']
bimbo 2: 'ah ah sey. at least Arif much better looking eyh!'

Yat: *talking to Arif, LOL-ing* hahahahaha asal Arif??
Arif: *blur and smoking* huh? ape?? [translation: huh?? what??]

obviously, the convo between the 2 bimbos were unrelated to our friend Arif, it was some Friendster guy. LOL.

seriously cant belive there are such people in the world. god they need to wake up and realise that looks are not important.
me and Yat were like zxomfg and talking loudly +sarcasticly about how people judge by looks and sooner, they moved seats and sat faaaaaar way from us -____-'

seriously, are looks so fucking important in finding a friend/ a special someone?? for my case, no. even if its a guy who looks like he works in a hawker center selling fried kuay teow. i mean, some on la guys. if looks are so important to you, why dont you just bloody hell move to the US and not come back?? if dont have money to go US, then be happy with what kind of girls you have here. its good enough that SOME girls here dont give a shit about looks. cause all we know is its all about the heart.

am very touched with Yat who bought me dinner on Tuesday night cause i was so sick i couldnt get outta bed. he had an exam and after that he rushed over to my place and bought me dinner even tho he was having a bad headache.

and f.y.i, Yat is NOT my boyfriend!!!

am currently listening to Waking The Cadaver on repeat -____-' random shit hahaha.

kk done blogging about bimbos. they make girls looks so fucking cheap when we know deep inside we're not.
fuckers with no life who judge by looks, go to fucking hell and have the Devil up your arses.

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